
Getting over the fear of labiaplasty and preparing your mind for the surgery

April 13, 2022


Any surgery can spark anxiety. With labiaplasty or any cosmetic surgery, carefully considering if the procedure is right for you, will help alleviate any concerns. Before you book a consultation with a surgeon, do some research to ensure you have a good understanding of what’s involved in the procedure.

You want to have realistic expectations, so its important to find an experienced plastic surgeon, who takes the time to understand your goals and worries. This can help you mentally prepare, and ensure the experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Labiaplasty surgery

Labiaplasty is a reconstructive procedure to change the appearance of the labia, reducing a large, protruding labia to relieve general discomfort or any pain associated with physical activity. Performed for cosmetic or medical reasons, labiaplasty is becoming a more common surgery for women.

Generally performed as day surgery, a labiaplasty procedure is carried out under sedation anaesthesia to ensure you are comfortable and relaxed during the procedure. The surgery can be performed under local or general anaesthesia. If you are particularly anxious, speak to your surgeon beforehand if you would prefer to undergo the surgery with general anaesthesia.

You will need to take at least a week off from work for your recovery, so make sure to organise this before your surgery to minimise any stress.

Speak to your surgeon

There’s nothing wrong with having anxiety or fear about surgery, but speaking to your surgeon about your concerns can help you feel more comfortable going into the surgery.

Before you undergo labiaplasty surgery, you will have an in-depth consultation with your surgeon to discuss your body concerns and surgery goals so the surgeon understands the issue. Your surgeon will perform a physical examination and discuss with you what’s involved with your surgery and the outcome.

You want to ensure you know what to expect from the surgery, from the risks to the finished result, so make sure to ask any questions and voice any concerns you may have.

Follow any instructions given by your surgeon in the lead up to your labiaplasty surgery. This includes not eating or drinking at least eight hours before your surgery and getting plenty of sleep the night before your procedure.

Plan for your recovery

Proper planning for your recovery can help ease some of your stress and anxiety. Establishing healthy habits in the lead up to your surgery can also help support a quicker recovery.

Make sure you have what you’ll need to be organised beforehand. Pre-plan meals and shop for groceries, prescriptions and any items you may need during your recovery. Have someone to help you after the surgery, this includes driving you home (which is necessary if having general anaesthesia), and helping around the house. If you have young children you may want to get a family member or friend to help out with their care. This will help give you peace of mind and allow you to focus on rest and recovery.

Most women can return to normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks, though sexual intercourse should be avoided for at least 6 weeks following your surgery.

Your surgeon will provide any after-care instructions, and prescribe any pain medication, to help make your recovery as quick and comfortable as possible. Bruising and swelling to the operation site and surrounding area is to be expected, but this should settle within a few days, and is generally painless. If you have any questions or concerns during your recovery, contact your surgeon.

Your surgeon will check on you the day following your labiaplasty surgery to ensure everything is healing as it should be. You will also have check-ups at week 1 and week 2 following the surgery, with a final check-up at week 6 to ensure you have healed properly.

For labiaplasty surgery or plastic surgery in Adelaide, Dr Richard Hamilton is highly experienced and will take the time to understand your needs to help you get the best possible outcome. For more information, or to book a consultation, contact the friendly team at Hamilton House.