
How Much Time Do You Need to Recover from a Breast Augmentation?

July 14, 2022

Breast Augmentation Recovery

If you’re soon to undergo breast augmentation surgery, you may be trying to plan out your recovery period, from how long you may need to take off work, to whether you need someone to help you at home.

Recovery times vary from person to person, so it is important to speak with Dr Richard Hamilton about what to expect. In most cases, you will need up to two weeks before returning to work and four to six weeks before resuming your regular activities.

What To Expect After A Breast Augmentation?

Immediately after surgery

After your breast augmentation surgery, you will be taken to the Recovery area where you will be closely monitored. At first you may feel groggy and disoriented from the anaesthesia, and you may have some pain and discomfort in your chest. Our Recovery Nurse will me closely monitoring your emergence from anaesthesia and both Dr Hamilton and the Anaesthetist will be checking you frequently

Your breasts will also be covered with supporting tape, soft gauze dressing and a surgical bra. It is important to follow all of Dr Hamilton’s instructions during your recovery period. At the conclusion of surgery Dr Hamilton will infiltrate the pocket and the wound with local anaesthetic which will certainly diminish the pain and make it relatively comfortable for some hours. You will also be given oral pain medication to help with any discomfort for when the anaesthetic wears off, and we suggest you take it easy for a few days, but still moving around.

You should avoid any strenuous activity or heavy lifting, and you will need to sleep on your back with some elevation to keep the pressure off of your chest.

Hours after surgery

Most people report feeling groggy, sleepy, and out of it for a short time after breast augmentation surgery. This is normal and to be expected. With the modern anaesthetic agents we use at Hamilton House the fogginess wears off rather quickly.

It is essential to have an adult person to drive you home following your surgery, as you will not be able to do so yourself. Your carer must be with you at all times for the first 2 days and nights. Once you are home, it is important to get plenty of rest. Whilst mobility is very important to keep the muscles active and to prevent deep vein thrombosis complications do not over do it.

Your body needs time to adjust and heal after surgery. Taking it easy for the first few days will help you recover more quickly and reduce your risk of complications. You may have some pain and discomfort after surgery, more so if the implants are placed behind the muscle.

Day 1

Dr Hamilton will need to check you on the first day after surgery to see that you are ok and that the operation is progressing well. He will remove the drains on Day 1 and remove most of the soft dressings just leaving the supporting tape in place on the breast mound and the surgical bra on top.

Day 2

On Day 2 he may wish to check you again. And you will be able to have a quick shower on the morning second post op day as the dressings have been removed. After showering gently pat your breasts dry with a towel to dry. Do not use a blow dryer as there is a risk of a burn injury.

Day 3

Dr Hamilton will definitely need to check you on day 3 to make sure you are progressing well and also following the post op instructions. There will most likely be questions you wish to ask Dr Hamilton re regarding your ongoing care, return to work, activities permissible and so on.

3 to 5 days

It is common to feel some discomfort up to 3 days after breast augmentation surgery – it could be shorter for implants placed in front of the muscle. You may also have some bruising and swelling. These symptoms should start to improve within a few days. Be sure to follow Dr Hamilton’s instructions on how to care for your incisions and on how much activity is permitted.

It is important to keep the incisions clean and daily showering is encouraged. You will likely need to take it easy for a few days after surgery. You may need to take pain medication prescribed by Dr Hamilton and avoid too much strenuous activity. It is important to follow the provided instructions on when you can return to your normal activities.

1 week

Most patients report excellent results one week after breast augmentation surgery. The breasts will be larger and fuller, with a more youthful shape. There may be some residual swelling and bruising, but this should dissipate over the next week or two.

It is important to remember that each patient heals at her own individual pace, so some women may still have some swelling and bruising for several weeks after surgery at the stitch lines and on the side of the chest over the ribs. The final results of your breast augmentation will not be visible for several months, as it takes time for the implants to settle into their new position and the reaction to surgery to settle.

Next few weeks

Dr Hamilton will check you again at Day 9 and possibly again on Day 16.

During the few weeks after surgery, you can expect to feel less pain and discomfort as your body adjusts to the new implants. You will also be swollen and bruised during this time. Dr Hamilton will prescribe pain medication to help you through this period.

After the first few weeks, you will start to feel better and have more energy. Your swelling will start to go down and your bruises will fade. Dr Hamilton will personally check you at 6 weeks and then you will be able to return to your normal activities, although you may need to take it easy for a few more weeks depending on what activities you have in mind.

2 – 3 months

Two months after your surgery, you will be feeling much better and will have most of your energy back. You should be able to return to all your normal activities, although you may want to take it easy at first.

Your incisions will have healed and there may be some early thickening of the scars which will resolve. You may still have some swelling in your breasts, but this should be much less than it was immediately after surgery. Your breasts will continue to change over the next few months as they settle into their new shape and size. Eventually the scars will fade and flatten and be minimally visible. Dr Hamilton will check you at 3 months.

How Long Will Full Recovery Take?

It is difficult to determine how long a full recovery from surgery will take. This is because the healing process is different for everyone and depends on several factors, such as the extent of the procedure, age, and general health.

If you had a breast lift in combination with breast augmentation the procedure is more extensive and it will most likely take longer to settle. On the other hand breast augmentation where the implants are placed in front of the muscle recovery is quicker.

It is always best to talk to Dr Hamilton. He will be able to give you more specific advice based on your individual situation and the procedure performed.

Get the Best Plastic Surgeon in Adelaide

When it comes to plastic surgery, such as breast augmentation in Adelaide, you want to make sure you’re getting the best possible care. That’s why it’s important to find a reputable and experienced FRACS qualified plastic surgeon in Adelaide like Dr Richard Hamilton who can provide you with the advice and the results you’re looking for.

There are a few things to consider when choosing a plastic surgeon in Adelaide. First, you’ll want to make sure the surgeon is experienced and qualified with FRACS (Plastic). This is the gold standard qualification for plastic surgery in Australia.  And with over 20 years’ experience, Dr Richard Hamilton is a Registered Specialist Plastic Surgeon who commonly performs breast augmentations and other breast surgery several times every week. He is one of Adelaide’s most experienced plastic surgeons, highly regarded by his peers and patients, and he has a special interest in and passion for breast augmentation surgery.

Next, you’ll want to schedule a consultation with Dr Hamilton. The consultation is extensive as there is a lot of ground to cover and he will want to make sure he has evaluated you accurately and he will give you plenty of time to ask questions. A breast augmentation consultation with Dr Hamilton takes often over 1.5 hours so it will give you a chance to discuss all of your goals and expectations for the surgery. Dr Hamilton will be pleased to answer and discuss any questions you have and he will also provide you with a realistic estimate of the costs involved.

After a consultation with Dr Hamilton patients invariably say what an inspiring and informative session it was and that they did not realize how complex it was. They leave Hamilton House with a great deal of information so they can make a mature and reasoned decision.

For a breast augmentation in Adelaide, contact Dr Richard Hamilton and his wonderful and friendly team on 08 8272 6666.