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3D Technology

The Vectra 3D Imaging Technology at Hamilton House Plastic Surgery, Adelaide


Vectra 3D Technology has revolutionised plastic surgery of the breast, enabling surgeons and patients to work together to visually plan their expected outcome. Dr. Richard Hamilton uses the Vectra 3D computer imaging in most of his breast surgery procedures at Hamilton House Plastic Surgery. These include Breast Augmentation / Breast Enlargement, Breast Lift (Mastopexy) and Breast Augmentation combined with Breast Lift procedures.

Vectra 3D works by capturing a photographic image of your breasts and torso, which is rendered by computer into a three-dimensional view. The computer enables Dr Hamilton to manipulate your image on screen to determine which implant shape and type will be best suited to your body shape to achieve the expected result. With the Vectra 3D imaging, you will see a three-dimensional simulation of how your breasts look now, and how they will look after breast augmentation with the image being able to be rotated and viewed from every conceivable angle. In addition, you can compare the before & after pictures on the screen. This helps you understand the realistic, expected outcome.

Dr. Hamilton also use the Vectra Computer imaging system to demonstrate the changes which might be applied to your face in a Chin Augmentation and facial contouring.


See here how the amazing Vectra 3D technology works
