
Breast Implant Removal Surgery

Most of the thousands of women who have breast implants are very happy with the results of their augmentation. The results can last up to 10 years and will not need a secondary procedure such as a breast implant replacement procedure or removal. Eventually, however, implants need to be replaced, or a secondary procedure needs to be considered as we now know they are not life long devices.

However, there are several instances where a woman may want her breast implants removed or replaced with new implants before they have expired. While any specialist plastic surgeon can safely perform breast implant removal procedures, the procedure is much more complicated than an initial breast augmentation procedure. Special care must be taken to select a surgeon who is not only knowledgeable about the procedure but who has many years of experience performing it.

Who Should Consider a Breast Implant Removal Procedure?

There are several instances when a woman should strongly consider having a breast implant removal procedure. This procedure can be performed by itself or as the first step in the process of a breast revision. Most commonly, a breast implant removal and/or replacement procedure is performed when a woman experiences the following:

  • A deflation or rupture
  • Issues with sagging
  • Breast implant illness
  • Implants older than 10 years
  • Capsular contracture or hardening
  • The need or wish to replace her implants
  • Roughly textured implants from any maker
  • Dissatisfaction with the original procedure, including implant size
  • Suspicion of Breast Implant associated Atypical Large Cell Lymphoma BIA ALCL

In any of these cases, a breast implant removal procedure may be a beneficial procedure to remedy a woman’s concerns or an essential indication for breast revision surgery.

What Makes Breast Implant Removal Procedures More Complicated Than Breast Augmentation?

Breast implant removal and replacement surgery and breast revision surgeries are generally more complex than an initial breast augmentation procedure. The reasons for this are many. Excision of the breast capsule around the existing implant is often required, which can be challenging if a capsular contracture or ALCL is suspected. A new pocket may need to be created to improve breast shape. The breast skin may also need to be modified with a breast lift or mastopexy.

What Happens During a Breast Implant Removal Procedure?

First, Dr Hamilton will open the breast pocket and remove the original implant. At this time, he will look carefully for any issues which may affect a new implant. These issues must be addressed so that you are left comfortable and happy with your look after your procedure.

Dr Hamilton may have to remedy issues specific to your anatomy as no two breast implant removal, or breast revision procedures are identical. If a new implant is desired, Dr Hamilton will close the old breast pocket and create a new pocket. Internal, dissolvable stitches will be used to minimise scarring once the new implant is successfully placed.

If you also have a breast lift performed with your breast implant removal procedure, Dr Hamilton will perform this procedure after your old implants have been removed and any capsule issues dealt with. Since a breast lift can be performed in various ways, the type of lift you have will be discussed in detail with you and decided beforehand during your consultation.

What Happens After My Breast Implant Removal?

Recovery from a breast implant removal procedure can be much more comfortable than after a primary breast augmentation procedure. While you will experience some pain from having surgery, pain after breast implant removal is usually minimal and well-managed with oral medications.

Recovery from breast implant removal is also much shorter than recovery from an initial procedure. Most patients can resume work a few days after their procedure provided; they do not need to perform any heavy lifting. After six weeks, individuals may resume most of their normal activities, including regular exercise at the gym.

You Can Rely on Dr Hamilton For a Caring And Qualified Approach To Breast Implant Removal

Dr Richard Hamilton has one ultimate goal; he wants you to look and feel your best. To ensure this outcome for you, Dr Hamilton and his select team of nurses take a personalised approach to patient care. Dr Hamilton, placing a particular emphasis on your concerns, goals and safety, will translate those into a treatment plan that will deliver compassionate, safe care, and long-lasting, attractive results.

If you wish to learn more about breast implant removal or breast revision surgery, call Hamilton House on 08 8272 6666 today. Our friendly staff can set your appointment for an in-person consultation and also answer any questions you may have about breast implant removal. The sooner you have your consultation, the sooner you can enjoy great results.