
Otoplasty (Ear Surgery)

Ear Pinning (Otoplasty) at Our Adelaide Practice in South Australia

Ear pinning (or otoplasty) is a highly effective surgical procedure that corrects prominent ears by setting them closer to the head, changing their apparent size and shape. This procedure is most commonly performed in children between the ages of five and 14, but is also performed on adults as well, even in adults in their 60s. Dr Hamilton is experienced in Ear Pinning Otoplasty surgery and has helped very many children and adults achieve expected outcomes. Dr. Hamilton’s calm, thorough and kind approach is a reassurance to both children and their parents.

Ear Pinning (Otoplasty) Procedure

Dr Hamilton uses the Scandinavian Otoplasty technique, which he perfected in Sweden. He begins by making an incision behind the ear, enabling him to reshape and sculpture the ear cartilage and then firm the new structure with special internal sutures, using techniques similar to rhinoplasty. The cartilage is splinted or pinned into position by external bolster sutures, allowing the ear to be positioned closer to the side of the head in a natural way. A turban like head bandage is applied. The bandage is removed at 7 days and the bolster sutures are removed at the same time. The ears are usually set in position by 2 weeks and the scar is virtually invisible being behind the ear.

Recovery after Ear Pinning (Otoplasty)

Ear pinning surgery takes 1 to 2 hours to perform, at our Adelaide, South Australia Clinic The procedure is usually done  under general anaesthesia for children and local anaesthetic with mild sedation for adults. It is a day procedure, with most patients experiencing very little discomfort which can be effectively managed with mild painkillers. There is usually some bruising which settles quickly. Most normal activities can be resumed within one week. Contact Hamilton House Plastic Surgery today to see if otoplasty is right for you or your child.